The Minister of Manpower Wants to Form an Anti-Layoff Task Force, What Can It Do?

The Minister of Manpower (Menaker) Yassierli has an idea to establish a task force (satgas) to prevent layoffs (PHK) in Indonesia. This task force is a proactive step to maintain labor stability and protect workers from the threat of job loss.

Yassierli said that the Layoff Prevention Task Force has already been discussed with the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs. He emphasized that this task force will later involve various ministries and related agencies (K/L) to work together.
“It will be a multi-ministerial effort.” “We have raised the issue of layoffs to the Coordinating Ministry so that a task force can be formed together,” said Yassierli to the media in Jakarta, Tuesday (26/11/2024).

He added that the formation of the task force is currently still a proposal and will be followed up in subsequent meetings.

“This is just a proposal, just a proposal, and it will be followed up in our meeting,” he explained.

As information, the number of employees affected by Termination of Employment (PHK) in Indonesia continues to experience significant increases throughout 2024. Based on data from Satudata of the Ministry of Manpower, a total of 63,947 workers were recorded as affected by PHK from January to October 2024.

From the total, the Jakarta area has the highest number of layoffs with 14,501 workers, or 22.68 percent of the overall layoff figures. Jakarta has the highest number of layoffs compared to other regions.

The second position is occupied by Central Java with the number of workers affected by layoffs reaching 12,489 people. This is followed by Banten, which recorded 10,702 workers affected by layoffs during the same period.

West Java is in fourth place with a total of 8,508 workers affected by layoffs. Meanwhile, East Java recorded a layoff figure of 3,694 workers, placing it in fifth position.

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