Megawati Expresses PDIP’s Stance on the 2024 Regional Election Results: Protect Votes and Gather Evidence of State Apparatus Intimidation

Jakarta, Chairperson of the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP) Megawati Soekarnoputri conveyed her party’s official stance regarding the preliminary results of the 2024 regional elections.

In the video received, Megawati initially recounted how the direct regional elections were first held in 2004.
“In 2004, as the President of the Republic of Indonesia, I held the first direct election.” “In that election, the people were truly sovereign, so why is that sovereignty now being manipulated just for the sake of power?” he said in a video quoted on Wednesday (27/11/2024).
The fifth President of the Republic of Indonesia also reminded that democracy is now threatened with death due to forces that justify any means. This force is capable of using state resources and instruments.

“This is evident in several regions that I have continuously observed, such as Banten, Central Java, East Java, North Sumatra, up to North Sulawesi and various other provinces,” said Megawati.

“In Central Java, for example, I received reports on the massive use of acting regional heads, even the transfer of police personnel for electoral political purposes,” she continued.

Megawati then provided five attitudes and appeals to all citizens. First, safeguard and secure every vote of the people as best as possible.

“Second, gather every piece of evidence of intimidation by state apparatus, especially money politics.” The lack of neutrality of regional heads, and also the pressure exerted on village heads,” he said.

Request to Gather Evidence Regarding Allegations of Money Politics

Third, gather various pieces of evidence that show the massive mobilization of social assistance and practices, especially regarding the occurrence of money politics.

“Fourth, gather various facts about the blockades, such as those that occurred in the Banten region which caused injustice. Fifth, continue to rally the people’s strength to bravely voice the truth,” he concluded.

Complete Statement from Megawati

Here is the complete official statement from Megawati:

Assalamualaikum warahmatulahi wabarakatuh, Peaceful greetings to us all, shalom, Om swasti astu, Namo budaya, Greetings of virtue, Rahayu.

Let us first shout our national greeting: Pancasila Salute!!! Freedom!!! Freedom!!! Freedom!!!

Brothers and sisters, all the people of Indonesia whom I love and am proud of,

Today, all the people of Indonesia have participated in casting their votes in the regional elections.

The regional elections reflect the civilization of the nation. In this regional election, I always proclaim that the voice of the people is the voice of God, vox populi vox dei. This wise saying emphasizes how dangerous it would be if elections were merely used as a tool of power. Brothers and sisters, an independent Indonesia embodies the spirit of liberation from various forms of colonization.

With independence, the Indonesian people have the sovereignty to associate, gather, and express their opinions freely according to their conscience.

This mandate is what I implemented during the 2004 presidential election, which is known as the most democratic election without interference from power.

In 2004, as the President of the Republic of Indonesia, I held the first direct election. In that election, the people truly had sovereignty, so why is that sovereignty now being manipulated just for the sake of power?

I am very worried that this will continue in the future. Therefore, I ask, where are the rights, justice, and sovereignty of all the Indonesian people whom I love?

Ladies and gentlemen, Democracy is now threatened with death due to forces that justify any means. This force is capable of using state resources and instruments.

This is evident in several regions that I have continuously observed, such as Banten, Central Java, East Java, North Sumatra, and North Sulawesi, as well as various other provinces.

In Central Java, for example, I received reports on the massive use of acting regional heads, even to the extent of police personnel transfers for electoral political purposes.

This cannot be allowed to continue, considering that the Constitutional Court has made an important decision that non-neutral state apparatus can be prosecuted.

Ladies and gentlemen, I know Central Java very well. I was elected as a member of the Indonesian House of Representatives three times. Central Java is not just a “bull pen,” but a breeding ground for the ideas of nationalism and patriotism. I see the energy of the people’s movement, sympathizers, and militant cadres who should not be defeated if the regional elections are conducted fairly, honestly, and justly.

However, in a situation where everything can be mobilized by power, what happens is suppression. What is happening now is beyond the limits of ethical, moral, and conscience propriety.

That is why to all sympathizers, members, and cadres of the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle and all the people of Indonesia, I continuously urge: “Never be afraid to voice the truth.”

PDI Perjuangan will never tire of fighting for justice and against various forms of power intimidation.

Remember, that local elections should reflect the advancement of civilization, ethics, morals, and conscience should be clearly depicted.

Brothers and sisters, keep the spirit of struggle alive. We never give up. We continue to resist in a measured manner within the corridors of the law, even though we know that the law is increasingly being made far from justice.

In relation to that, first, safeguard and secure every voice of the people as best as possible.

Second, gather every piece of evidence of intimidation by state apparatus, especially money politics. The lack of neutrality of regional officials, and also the pressure exerted on village heads.

Third, gather various pieces of evidence showing the massive mobilization of social assistance and practices, once again, the occurrence of money politics.

Fourth, gather various facts about blockades, such as those that occurred in the Banten region that caused injustice.

Fifth, continue to gather the people’s strength to bravely voice the truth.

Peace be upon you and God’s mercy and blessings,

Om santi-santi-santi om. Rahayu

Freedom! Freedom! Freedom!

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