Coordinating Minister for Food Affairs Zulkifli Hasan revealed the important role of the transformation of Perum Bulog. When under President Prabowo Subianto, Bulog is said to become a stronger institution.
He said that after the first coordination meeting on the transformation of Bulog, the next discussions would be held in the respective related agencies. For example, there are the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Trade, the Ministry of Agriculture, and the Ministry of Finance.
“Of course, we will also ask for input, the team is quite large, sir, yes, the team has had several members in the past, and we will certainly have a long discussion, perhaps limited, to delve deeper because we want Bulog to be truly strong but also functional,” said Zulkifli at the Bulog Headquarters, Jakarta, Friday (28/11/2024).
One of the topics discussed was the legal basis for the change in Bulog’s status. He wants Bulog in the future to become a strong institution, primarily to support President Prabowo Subianto’s priority program of food self-sufficiency.
“Don’t be strong but unable to function later, we want to be strong but also able to operate.” All of this is in order for you to achieve the flagship programs or priority programs conveyed by the President,” he said.
“We must achieve food self-sufficiency, some large countries must be able to be sovereign in this field,” he added.
This former Minister of Trade also expressed optimism that the target of achieving food self-sufficiency by 2027 could be met. Initially, the target for food self-sufficiency was set for 2029.
“Initially 2029, moved to 2028, moved again to 2027.” “But God willing, because the President has already ordered it, conveyed it at the G20, APEC, and in front of the MPR building, all the teams are ready, hopefully we can achieve it by 2027,” he concluded.
First Discussion
Previously reported, Coordinating Minister for Food Affairs Zulkifli Hasan revealed the latest news in the transformation process of Bulog. One of the discussions was about the regulatory framework so that Bulog could be directly under the coordination of President Prabowo Subianto.
Several related ministries and agencies have discussed the initial draft at the Perum Bulog Office in Jakarta. Coordinating Minister Zulkifli said that this inaugural meeting of the Ministries/Agencies is a follow-up to Prabowo’s directive.
“There was indeed a lot of discussion earlier because this was the first meeting,” said Zulkifli at the Bulog Central Office, Jakarta, Friday (28/11/2024).
The issue of regulatory foundations is also one of the points of study. Considering the need for institutional changes in Bulog from a state-owned enterprise to an autonomous agency under the President. There is a proposal to issue a new Presidential Regulation (Perpres) or amend the law. (UU).
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