Jakarta – The East Jakarta Metro Police are awaiting recommendations from the Election Supervisory Board (Bawaslu) to take action against the KPPS personnel and direct security (Pamsung) who are suspected of violating the voting process at TPS 028, Pinang Ranti Village, Makasar District, East Jakarta, on Wednesday, November 27, 2024.
“We are waiting for a recommendation from the East Jakarta Bawaslu on what actions to take. Legally, we must carry out the process (legal proceedings), and for other matters, we will wait for a recommendation from the Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu),” said East Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Pol Nicolas Ary Lilipaly while attending the Open Plenary Meeting for the Recapitulation and Determination of the 2024 Jakarta City East Jakarta Pilkada Vote Count Results on Monday night, December 2, 2024.
According to him, based on the applicable law, the Gakkumdu Center can only act once there is a recommendation from the Bawaslu.
“I, along with the East Jakarta District Attorney, are ready to implement and enforce the existing legal regulations. We are waiting for a recommendation from the Election Supervisory Board (Bawaslu),” said Nicolas.
Previously, the East Jakarta General Election Commission (KPU) confirmed that there had been a violation in the implementation of the voting at polling station TPS 028, Pinang Ranti Village, Makasar District, East Jakarta, on Wednesday (27/11).
“So, regarding that incident, it is indeed true.” Yesterday, the one from last night, we have already investigated. One Chairperson of the Voting Organizing Group (KPPS) plus a security officer at polling station TPS 028, Pinang Ranti Village, Makasar District, East Jakarta. “After we investigated, the person in question admitted it,” said KPU Jaktim Commissioner Rio Verieza in Jakarta, Thursday, November 28.
The East Jakarta KPU, he said, has taken action against two officers who committed violations and acted dishonestly by permanently dismissing the KPPS Chairperson with the initials RH and the Direct Security Officer (Pamsung) with the initials KN.
Rio then explained the chronology of the violations and fraudulent actions that occurred.
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