Jakarta – The Jakarta Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) reminds residents living in North Jakarta’s coastal areas to be wary of the potential for tidal flooding or coastal flooding, which may still occur until January 3, 2025.
“The tidal flood has the potential to cause flooding in 10 coastal areas of North Jakarta such as Kamal Muara, Kapuk Muara, Penjaringan, Pluit, Ancol, Kamal, Marunda, Cilincing, Kalibaru, Muara Angke, up to the Thousand Islands,” said the Head of the Jakarta BPBD, Isnawa Adji, as quoted by Antara, Thursday (26/12/2024).
Furthermore, he stated that the Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) Class I Maritime Meteorological Station Tanjung Priok has issued an early warning for coastal flooding (rob) that will occur from December 26, 2024, to January 3, 2025.
Rob floods occur due to the phenomenon of maximum sea tide coinciding with the new moon phase and have the potential to increase the maximum sea tide height, resulting in coastal floods or rob in the northern coastal area of Jakarta.
“For today, the flooding only covers 0.003 percent of the total 30,772 RTs in Jakarta,” he said.
According to information from field officers, no residents were evacuated due to the tidal flood today.
“We have also coordinated with local stakeholders such as the SDA to jointly address this tidal flooding issue,” said Isnawa.
Police personnel escorted the distribution of ready-to-eat food aid to residents affected by tidal flooding in the densely populated Muara Angke settlement, North Jakarta, on Sunday (15/12/2024).
Call 112 If You Experience an Emergency

Doa urges all members of the public, if they encounter or experience an emergency situation that requires assistance, to immediately contact the Jakarta Siaga 112 call center.
“Of course, in anticipating the ongoing negative impacts, we will deploy personnel to monitor the flooding conditions in each area.” “These activities are a form of our commitment to maintaining the comfort and safety of Jakarta residents amidst the potential for extreme weather,” said Isnawa Adji, emphasizing.
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