JakartaThe free nutritious meal program (MGB) in various official schools started on Monday (6/1/2025), including in Jakarta schools.
However, several students in Jakarta were found to be unable to eat rice for various reasons, including allergies.
This condition was found in the implementation of MBG at SD Barunawati 2 and SMPN 61 Palmerah, West Jakarta, which was visited by Jakarta Governor’s Official Teguh Setyabudi. However, the number of children who cannot eat rice is claimed to be not many.
According to Teguh, the Palmerah Nutrition Fulfillment Service Unit (SPPG) is currently waiting for data from the school regarding the number of children who cannot eat rice. Therefore, in the next implementation of the MBG, the menu for the children will be replaced with potatoes.
“That data (children cannot eat rice) comes from the school, it will be available at each SPPG, and there will also be a doctor,” said Teguh at SMPN 16 Palmerah, West Jakarta, Monday (6/1/2025).
A similar statement was made by the Head of SPPG Palmerah, Yudha Permana. He said that the MBG menu would be adjusted by his team based on data from schools regarding children who do not eat rice.

“From the school, we ask for data on any allergies or, for example, if they don’t eat rice, then later we can replace it with potatoes,” said Yudha.
Furthermore, he explained that the MBG menu served by SPPG Palmerah is in accordance with the nutritional needs for each age category. The budget is also ensured to be below Rp10,000.
“The nutrition standards related to the first one, TK-SD, grades 1-3, are in the range of 380-400, and for SD grades 4-6 and SMP, it is 550,” he said.
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