Gorontalo – Anoa, an endemic Sulawesi animal also known as the pygmy buffalo, is becoming increasingly difficult to find in its natural habitat.This mammal, scientifically named Bubalus sp., is part of the transitional fauna found on the island of Sulawesi and the island of Buton.
However, traces of its existence have now almost disappeared from the forest area of Bogani Nani Wartabone National Park, Gorontalo.
“We once conducted an expedition to search for anoa tracks, but the result was nil.” “There were no droppings, footprints, or any other signs that are usually found,” said Ramdan Maku, a member of the Nature Lovers organization in Gorontalo.
According to Ramdan, in the 1990s, the presence of anoa could still be felt.Its footprints were often seen, and some residents even had direct encounters with the animal.
However, the current situation is very different. Although the main food of the anoa, such as grass and certain plants, is still abundant in the forest areas, the animals seem to have disappeared without a trace.
One of the main causes of the decline in the anoa population in Gorontalo is the massive poaching that occurred in the previous decade.
A local resident who wished to remain anonymous revealed that the hunting of anoa using firearms and traps was very rampant at that time.
In the past, I often saw hunters bringing anoa meat. Its horns were even made into decorations in people’s homes. This hunting makes anoa increasingly difficult to find,” he said.

He added that the horns of the anoa became a symbol of prestige in the past, so many houses of residents around the forest area displayed the horns of the animal. This, according to him, is one of the main reasons why the population of anoa continues to decline.
Bogani Nani Wartabone National Park actually has great potential as a natural habitat for anoa. However, conservation efforts need to be enhanced to ensure the survival of this wildlife.
One important step is strict supervision of illegal hunting activities, as well as educating the community about the importance of preserving these endemic Sulawesi animals.
“The population of anoa may still exist, but it is very small.” “If no concrete actions are taken, it is not impossible for this animal to become completely extinct in the wild,” said Ramdan.
Anoa is a protected animal based on Government Regulation No. 7 of 1999 concerning the Preservation of Plant and Animal Species.
Therefore, the participation of all parties, from the government to the community, is greatly needed to preserve this unique animal.
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