Uya Kuya suddenly went viral after being chased away by local residents while creating content in front of a house affected by a fire in Los Angeles. Regarding this matter, Uya Kuya admitted that he has not yet received a summons from the Honorary Council of the House of Representatives (MKD) of the Republic of Indonesia.
“Until now, there has been no summons from the MKD,” said Uya Kuya when met at Trans TV, Wednesday (21/1).
Uya Kuya also explained that his trip to Los Angeles was after he finished his recess period.
“If asked again, there are those who say, ‘Why is Uya Kuya on recess abroad?'” Uya Kuya’s recess period in Jakarta has been over since December 30, there are reports about it, the recess is over,” he said.
As a member of Commission IX of the Indonesian House of Representatives in the fields of health, labor, and social security, Uya Kuya mentioned that overseas is included in the DKI II electoral district.
“This is what you all don’t know, Uya Kuya is from Dapil DKI II, which means South Jakarta, Central Jakarta, and overseas.” What does “overseas” mean? It means that everyone abroad voted for me, and not to be arrogant or boastful, but the fact is Uya Kuya is the member of the Indonesian House of Representatives with the highest votes from abroad,” explained Uya Kuya.
“So my voters are overseas, so if tomorrow you see me in LA, New York, Finland, Malaysia, Hong Kong.” Don’t be jealous, that’s my electoral district, so I can visit those places, they are the ones who voted for me there,” he added.
Uya said that his intention in creating content about the impact of the fire in Los Angeles was not for his personal gain. Uya stated that he is only helping to provide accurate information about what is happening in Los Angeles.
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