Many Children Make Sheila Marcia and Dimas Akira Feel More Comfortable at Home

JAKARTA – Sheila Marcia and Dimas Akira realize that they have quite a few children, so the responsibility as parents is also quite significant.
After having four children, Sheila and Dimas admitted to feeling a change in their lives, one of which is wanting to spend more time at home by reducing work.

“If we reduce work in the nightlife, yes, in the outside world, actually.” “So how can we work from home?” said Sheila Marcia in the Kebayoran Lama area, South Jakarta, on Wednesday, March 5.
“That’s why we also became affiliates on TikTok, so we can work from home, with the kids, and we’re also about to launch our own brand,” added Dimas.

Sheila also admitted that she is reluctant to take jobs that require too much time outside the house or are quite far away.
“If the shooting is not too far or too long, I’ll take it, but if it’s too long and too far, I’ll think about it.” If (becoming) a DJ, I can come home every day,” continued Sheila Marcia.

Sheila and Dimas still choose Bali as their home because Sheila feels more mentally at ease there.
“My soul is at peace in Bali.” “My soul is more at peace mentally, but here I don’t know, I can’t stay for long,” emphasized Sheila Marcia.

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