Gideon Tengker Visits Polda Metro Jaya, Inquires About the Status of His Report Against Rieta Amilia

Nagita Slavina’s father requested the police to conduct an investigation so that this case could advance to the investigation stage. Moreover, this case has been ongoing for quite some time, since Gideon Tengker reported it in February 2024.
“We came to Polda Metro Jaya to inquire about the progress of the case I reported in January 2024.” Regarding the alleged forgery of signatures and providing false testimony, the reported former wife, Rieta Amilia, and her child happened to be there,” said Erles Rareal at Polda Metro Jaya.
“We are asking the police to conduct an investigation and we hope that this case will soon advance to the investigation stage,” added Erles Rareal.

In reality, it never existed.

Elres Rareal suspects that there are several records prepared by Rieta Amilia and her legal counsel that do not align with the facts concerning his client. One of them is the statement about meeting Gideon Tengker before Rieta Amilia filed for divorce at the Central Jakarta District Court.
“In reality, it never existed.” Next, the address provided by the Central Jakarta District Court was incorrect. Meanwhile, Rieta Amilia knows and understands that her husband, at that time still her husband, resides and is domiciled in Bogor,” explained Erles Rareal.

Summons to Attend Court

According to Erles Rareal, that is why Gideon Tengker has never attended his divorce hearings with Rieta Amilia. Because his client never received a summons to attend the trial.
The summons was given to someone else, with a different address in Central Jakarta, which was incorrect. So Uncle Gideon never showed up. “Why has he never attended? Because he has never received a summons or notice to appear in the Central Jakarta District Court,” he continued.

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