Fallen After 20 Years in Power in Depok, This is the Reaction of PKS

Jakarta: The dominance of the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) in Depok will come to an end. This is because the pair of mayor and deputy mayor candidates for Depok, Imam Budi Hartono-Ririn Farabi A. Rafiq, supported by PKS, lost to Supian Suri-Chandra Rahmansyah based on the quick count version.

Chairman of the PKS Faction in the Indonesian House of Representatives, Jazuli Juwaini, spoke out regarding the results of the 2024 Depok Regional Election. He stated that, regardless of the outcome, PKS ensures that the people’s votes entrusted to the candidates must be safeguarded as a mandate to realize a better Depok.
“We are waiting for the real count by the KPUD scheduled until December 16,” said Jazuli, Thursday (28/11/2024).
According to Jazuli, in an electoral contest, winning and losing are normal. “If we win, it means we have more space to help the people. If we lose, there are still other areas where we can focus more on helping the people,” he explained.

Jazuli stated that all PKS cadres and sympathizers have worked hard in the 2024 Depok Regional Election. Because every vote is valuable, PKS is committed to continuously safeguarding and nurturing those votes.

“We would like to thank the cadres, volunteers, and sympathizers who have fought. We also thank the community and voters who have chosen the PKS pair, Imam-Ririn.” We ensure that no vote goes to waste,” emphasized Jazuli.

“Half of the voters in Depok entrusted their votes to the Imam-Ririn couple. The other half to another couple.” “We will ensure that the people’s voices remain preserved and meaningful,” concluded Jazuli.

It is known that the mayor and deputy mayor candidates of Depok, Imam Budi Hartono-Ririn Farabi A Rafiq, lost to Supian Suri-Chandra Rahmansyah in the 2024 Depok Pilkada. Imam-Ririn, supported by PKS and Golkar, received 46.81 percent of the votes according to the quick count by VoxPol Center.

Meanwhile, Supian-Chandra led with 53.19 percent of the votes. The vote difference between the two candidates reached 6 percent. This data is based on 100 percent of the votes counted as of 20:32 WIB, Wednesday (27/11/2024).

Tim Supian-Chandra: 20 Years Led by PKS, What Prosperity for Depok?

The Depok City Change Coalition, consisting of 12 political parties supporting Supian-Chandra, successfully won the 2024 Depok Regional Election. This coalition was able to defeat the dominance of the PKS, which had been in power in Depok for 20 years.

The Chairman of the Supian-Chandra Victory Coordination Team, Nuroji, stated that the victory in the Depok Pilkada, which endorsed Supian Suri-Chandra Rahmansyah, was the result of the hard work of the entire victory team and the people of Depok.

They also appreciate the journalists who have helped convey the work programs of the Supian-Chandra candidacy in the 2024 Depok Pilkada, so that they can be directly seen by the public, especially the residents of Depok.

“All of this is the struggle of friends and media activists who have helped disseminate our team’s and volunteers’ work programs and activities to all the people of Depok City,” said Nuroji to Liputan6.com, Thursday (28/11/2024).

Nuroji explained that Supian Suri and Chandra Rahmansyah can bring new hope to the people of Depok. From a social perspective, until now the city of Depok has not implemented the principle of justice even though it is led by the “Justice Party.”

“20 years led by the Prosperous Justice Party, but what prosperity is there for Depok?” said Nuroji, who is also a member of the Indonesian House of Representatives.

Based on his experience, Nuroji, who is one of the high-ranking officials of the Gerindra Party in the City of Depok, once felt the coalition with PKS when they supported Pradi Supriatna, who is a Gerindra cadre in the City of Depok. Nuroji felt disappointed when Mohammad Idris and Pradi Supriatna won the Depok Pilkada in 2014.

“At that time, I (Gerindra) only got 20 red seats and two ACs, Gerindra supported PKS and got 20 seats, Futura seats, and two ACs. Never again, never again,” said Nuroji.

Coalition Parties Share a Common Vision, Want to Change Depok

Nuroji is grateful that in the 2024 Depok Regional Election, his side is part of a coalition of parties with shared goals. In the 2024 Regional Election, his coalition parties aim to advance Depok and change the leadership atmosphere that has seen no progress for 20 years.

“Thank God we won, even though over there they are holding a victory press conference and broadcasting it live on PKS TV,” said Nuroji.

Nuroji revealed that the victory of Supian Suri and Chandra Rahmansyah in the Depok Pilkada was based on data. The data, from the Voxpol quick count, showed that Supian-Chandra received 53.19 percent and Imam Ririn 46.81 percent.

“Based on the quick count data from Indikator, the Supian Suri and Chandra Rahmansyah pair received 53.75 percent, while Imam Ririn received 46.25 percent,” Nuroji stated.

Nuroji urged the supporters and the people of Depok to continue monitoring and supporting the results of the KPU’s real count. Nuroji emphasized that Supian-Chandra will be the mayor and deputy mayor of Depok for all the residents of Depok City and will not make any distinctions or groups.

“If social assistance gets 50, those who didn’t vote should also get 50, don’t differentiate.” Once appointed, they are all our community members, so there should be no more grouping. Now let’s make Depok a changed place, more just and equitable for all the people,” concluded Nuroji.

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