, Jakarta – Former Investigator of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), Yudi Purnomo Harahap, appreciated the steps taken by the KPK Team who successfully conducted a Hand Catch Operation (OTT) against the Acting Mayor of Pekanbaru, Riau.
According to Yudi, the success of this sting operation demonstrates the importance of such operations in uncovering corrupt individuals who still use cash to receive bribes, gratifications, or extortion proceeds.
“This OTT also proves that although the KPK had previously conducted OTTs in South Kalimantan and Bengkulu, it apparently did not deter them. As a result, another OTT related to regional heads occurred,” said Yudi in his statement on Tuesday (3/12/2024).
The Chairman of the KPK Employee Forum for the 2018-2021 period highlighted that the corrupt behavior of regional heads seems to show no fear.
“This behavior occurs because certain regional heads only prioritize how to generate corrupt money while in power. It is this kind of motivation that traps regional heads in corruption cases,” he stated.
As an experienced investigator in various OTT cases, Yudi explained that corruption prevention is actually ongoing. However, regional head corruption continues to occur due to the need for large amounts of money and extensive authority.
“At least, according to Yudi, there are four modes of corruption among regional heads, namely related to permits, contributions from heads of OPDs, auctions or job mutations, and bribes from entrepreneurs for regional government projects,” he explained.
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