Change the Drug Village, Metro Police Chief Asks Officers Not to Only Focus on Law Enforcement

Jakarta – Metro Jaya Police Chief Irjen Pol Karyoto is committed to eliminating the stigma of Kampung Ambon as a drug den. Various solutions are being discussed with the relevant stakeholders.

“Kampung Ambon is indeed a joint program, it’s just a matter of timing.” We have already discussed with the local government. “Approximately, the community that has the potential to be part of it, where do we want to go, right?” said Karyoto to reporters, Thursday (19/12/2024).

Karyoto said that all parties, including the police, have a responsibility to resolve various issues in villages labeled as drug dens. So that the police do not only carry out enforcement or law enforcement there.

“We also need to find solutions, not just search, raid, and then arrest.” There is no solution. “We are currently thinking about this,” he said.

Karyoto aspires to transform villages that are indicated to have a lot of drug trafficking into healthy and productive villages.

“Whether they become workers in factories or workers in other fields,” said the Metro Jaya Police Chief.

The National Police Chief Wants to Change 290 Million Drug Villages in Indonesia

Previously reported, National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo plans to transform several villages known for their drug trafficking into ‘Drug-Free Villages’.

According to him, there are 290 drug villages recorded in Indonesia, 90 of which are being gradually transformed into ‘Drug-Free Villages’.

“There are approximately 290 drug villages that we have detected, and gradually, around 90 villages have been specifically targeted by us to be transformed from drug villages into drug-free villages through various activities,” said Sigit during a press conference at Rupatama Mabes Polri, Thursday (5/12/2024).

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