Take Advantage of the Settlement of Land Around the Trans Sumatra Toll Road

The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) continues to investigate the alleged corruption in land procurement around the Trans Sumatra Toll Road. As many as ten witnesses were questioned by investigators on Monday (6/1).

“The investigators are delving into the process of land procurement transactions around the Trans Sumatra Toll Road (JTTS) for the 2018-2020 Fiscal Year,” said KPK Spokesperson Tessa Mahardhika Sugiarto in a written statement on Tuesday (7/1).

Tessa just wants to detail the initials of the ten witnesses, namely ESA, AY, AF, AR, NA, M, AFS, BP, BPR, and S. One of them is the former Director of PT Hutama Karya (Persero), Bintang Perbowo.

Tessa was reluctant to detail the witnesses’ answers to the investigators yesterday. The land was paid for by Hutama Karya.

“And also (delve into) the money disbursement procedures at PT HK (Hutama Karya) for the land procurement,” said Tessa.

The answers of the ten people have already been recorded in the examination report. Detailed information will be revealed in the trial later.

In the development of this case, the KPK seized 54 plots of land believed to be related to the case. The value of the assets is estimated at IDR 150 billion.

The KPK announced a new investigation. The corruption case being investigated is related to the land procurement project for the construction of the Trans Sumatra Toll Road carried out by PT Hutama Karya Persero.

The KPK stated that investigators have detected state losses from the land procurement. The amount is estimated to reach billions of rupiah.

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