DOCTOR and owner of a beauty clinic, Richard Lee, touched on the rumor that Ruben Onsu has converted to Islam or become a Muslim in his conversation with Ruben’s ex-wife, Sarwendah. This began when Dr. Richard Lee appeared with his wife Renni Effendi as guests on the Sarwendah Official YouTube channel, Saturday (15/3).
Richard also revealed his decision to convert to Islam. The news of Richard’s conversion to Islam was revealed after Ustaz Derry Sulaiman shared a video on his personal Instagram account. In the video, Ustaz Derry appears to be teaching Richard Lee how to recite dhikr. Ustaz Derry also revealed that he was the one who guided Richard when he recited the two sentences of the shahada. That process happened two years ago.
After converting to Islam, in a conversation on Sarwendah’s YouTube channel, Richard expressed the expectations of netizens towards him after he embraced Islam. “Just starting to crawl like that, already being asked when I will go for Umrah, when I will go for Hajj, when I will hold a study session,” said Richard Lee, quoted from Sarwendah Official’s YouTube channel.

Meanwhile, Reni Effendi’s wife expressed her desire to go to Arabia. Then, jokingly, Richard teased his wife to convert to Islam first. “Do you want to join?” “Just convert to Islam first,” said Richard Lee.
Not only joking with his wife, Richard also teased Sarwendah to convert to Islam so they could go to the Holy Land. Then, suddenly Richard brought up Sarwendah’s ex-husband, who was rumored to have converted from Christianity to Islam.
“Sarwendah also wants to join?” Just log in first, okay? “Because his ex has already moved on too, hahaha,” said Richard with a laugh.
“Geez, I don’t know.” I have no comment, doctor, I don’t know because he’s already an ex. So, I don’t know,” replied Sarwendah, who looked surprised upon hearing Dr. Richard’s statement.
Hearing Sarwendah’s answer, Richard accused Sarwendah of actually knowing the news but pretending not to.
“You know, this has already been informed, he likes to pretend not to know, even though he participates in everything, knows everything,” said Dr. Richard.
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